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4 Incorrect Ways to Organize

Maybe not 'incorrect', more like mistaken

  • Replicating someone else’s space. We are all inspired by other spaces whether it’s on Pinterest, in a magazine, or someone you know. Be inspired by it, but do not replicate it as your lifestyle, behaviors, habits, and space sizes are different. All these factors will make it challenging to maintain, or will create a new headache.

  • Needing it to be perfect. There is so much to say here as I used to be this way, but just know you will drive yourself nuts! Just stop and reflect on the feeling you want in the space: comfortable, at ease, motivated, etc. Then picture the overall look you want for the space. This will lead you to organizing to your lifestyle, needs, and actual space specifications.

  • Buying organization products before starting. THIS is one of the biggest mistakes people make. You will waste time and money if you purchase organization products before starting the process. Once you declutter, you may have extra bins, boxes, and bags that can be reused or repurposed in a another space. If you want to purchase all new products because you want it to match and for aesthetics, wait until you're done decluttering so you can know exactly what and how many you need.

  • No plan. As written about previously, there must be a plan to know what you’re organizing, how you’re going to accomplish the project, when you will work on it, who will complete the organization, and all the other details involved.

Contact me today to help you make a plan, and for Virtual Coaching! And don't forget to follow me on Instagram @OrgByCatO

Organized by Catherine O organizes all areas of your home, maximizes your space, and problem-solves time management and productivity challenges. We are based in New York City and serve the NYC-Metro area.

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