From my experience, 90% of the apprehension to call a Professional Organizer has been because of the anxiety when thinking about decluttering. There is an automatic assumption that we are going to tell you, or try to convince you, to get rid of your items.
Decluttering, according to, means "to remove mess or clutter"; and "to organize and prioritize". So yes, there is the removal of clutter, but only after we prioritize what items will stay or go. Only then can organization occur. That is one of the reasons Professional Organizers do not purchase items before a session.
2021 is right around the corner, and decluttering is the perfect goal to have in the new year. You can declutter by room, or like Mari Kondo suggests, by category. Either way, get started.
You can always start small and work your way up to the larger projects. Or as Mark Twain has stated, and Brian Tracy has written about, just "eat the frog" and procrastinate no more.
It's always easier to start decluttering the items in our homes because it's tangible. However, decluttering does not just pertain to the stuff in your environment, but also the clutter in your mind. There are many articles written pre-Covid and today, that explains that connection and how it affects your mind and health.
January is the month the majority of people starts their new diet, new goals, new lifestyles, new ideas, new new... Well, at NAPO (National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals) it's also considered GO Month (Get Organized). As a previous member of NAPO, I would like everyone to ask themselves, "Where do I need help in decluttering, organizing, and time managing and productivity?" Then let me know here so I could share tips on the next post. Contact me here to get started on your project.
Organized by Catherine O organizes all areas of your home, maximizes your space, and problem-solves time management and productivity challenges. We are based in New York City and serve the NYC-Metro area.
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