For those who have pets, it is important to prep your home for them as well. Some pets get anxiety with all the people and noise, while others love the attention of guests. Here are some tips for your pet care during this time:
Inform your guests you have pets, and what kind. Guests may have allergies, be scared of, or just don't like animals and letting them know ahead of time will allow them to decide on whether or not to accept your invitation.
Have rules for the pets. Let you guests know what those rules are.
Have a separate space or room for pets they can escape too, for those pets that tend to have anxiety, or if you have a barking dog.
Have enough toys out to keep them entertained, and for guests to use with your pet if they choose to.
Don't feed pets human food or sweets. Just because you didn't finish your plate, doesn't mean your pet should. Make sure your guests follow this rule too!
Keep lids on trash cans. If you can have it in a place where pets can't get to, that would be best for pets that like to dig in the trash.
TIP: Clean up all the pet toys and pet areas a day or two before. Sweep, mop, and vacuum while using specially formulated products that reduce pet scents.
Contact me here to help you with your Thanksgiving prep and organization.
Organized by Catherine O organizes all areas of your home, maximizes your space, and problem-solves time management and productivity challenges. We are based in New York City and serve the NYC-Metro area.
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